My Top 5 Tips To Reach Your Goals
1. Consistency is key. Whatever you do, stay consistent!
- When we were in school, we were there five days a week learning up to six different subjects a day. But, we made progress. We attended the same subject multiple times in one week and focused on that subject. Your goals are exactly the same. If you devote a little bit of time to them consistently, you will make progress! Hitting the gym four days a week for a month then dropping to once in a blue moon won’t get the gains! Commit yourself to two sessions a week and one group exercise class for a month and see what progress you can make. Make time for you and see what you can achieve. Or, devote an hour to your side hustle, make goals and commit to them. Put your phone down and focus on you, it makes the world of difference!
2. Progress and Consistency beat Intensity every time
- This is very closely linked to tip 1. Using the gym as an example, if you can commit to two sessions a week, but then miss a session because of a headache, or because of a work meeting running long, find that short term memory and get back on it tomorrow. Can you fit in another session that week? Or do we use the time to rest, recover and get back on it next session. It is entirely up to you. However, just because you missed a session doesn’t mean your next has to be torture. Just get back to your plan, stay accountable and trust the process. One massive sweat sesh will take longer to recover from, you’ll be more susceptible to injury and it is so demotivating to know that you’re putting your body to an absolute test, so don’t do it! Be consistent, work the progression and know that your body and mind will reap the benefits.
3. The only workout you regret is the one you don’t do
- To quote Elle Woods; ‘exercise give you endorphins; endorphins make you happy!’. Have you ever finished a workout and regretted it? Felt like it was pointless? Probably not. Even if you aren’t hitting pb’s or feeling the sweat drip off you, you leave the gym feeling good, so why deny yourself that? Even in those worst moments when you just don’t want to, think about that after feeling.
Now think about how it feels when you’re all ready to go, feeling on top of the world and your gym buddy cancels, or hubby has to stay late so you have to stay home with the kids, how deflating that is. Running around doing something else when you wanted to be in the gym, or lying on the couch putting it off then realizing you don’t have time? Those are the ones that hit hardest. In those circumstances, do a quick home workout, know you’re doing something good for your body. The trick always do something!
4. Ask for help; never stop learning.
- In many ways, this is my favourite thing. The day you stop learning is the day you plateau. When you think you know everything you stop growing. So find your weakness, or your opportunity. Where can you devote a little time to become stronger? Personally I’m always looking at what is coming next, where is the next adventure; how can I better support myself and my clients. Ask yourself, where do you need support and who can give it to you. Would you benefit from a gym induction, personal training, coaching or by bringing a friend to the gym. All these opportunities are available to you, you just need to know where to look! p.s – the contact page of my website is a good place to start ;)
5. Keep yourself accountable.
- Potentially one of the most important tips I can give you, stay accountable! And there are so many ways to do this depending on what works for you. If you find you need constant motivation, a trainer or coach may be the best option. By investing money in yourself you tell yourself that you are worth that, so why waste it? You can spend £100 a month or £1000 a month on a trainer, but use that as incentive to stick to the plan, stick to your guide and trust your mentor. That is money that you are investing in your own health and wellbeing, so don’t hold back!